
Modern Times

I am coming to the conclusion that all paid work is the same. And that perhaps we convince ourselves that we are lucky to have employment that fully reflects our interests. Yes, I used to think that to have this combination is the perfection of life. Now I am beginning to believe that one should absolutely separate their interests from employment, so as not to poison the well of one's passions. Not that this will even remotely lead to fulfillment either.

NB: this is my current feeling, but is subject to change of employment.

Different Seasons

Yesterday I realised how much I love the different seasons. In the moment where one feels the season at its fullest, one is the happiest ever. But also the wonderful thing about the seasons is that one has the blissful memory of it, and one anticipates the wonders of the season to come. So all three temporal instances are of equal importance.

So everyone should get outside - this fullest feeling of happiness does not happen indoors.