
Notes on Domination: The Mediation of Colour

When something, anything, this or that, is put to use, it signals the impending destruction of mankind. This is especially so when something so natural and so beautiful, that which we often take for granted, is seized upon and thrust upon us with force, trying to maintain the feeling of naturalness, hiding the manipulation (or even not hiding it).

Colours are a fine example of this: that which is to be looked at with pleasure and admiration, beyond our grasp, yet not out of reach. We have the gift of seeing colours, the relationship between the human eyes and the colour should be direct between those two only – no third party should be involved.

Colour is suddenly put to use. Red signals danger! Black signals death! White signals purity! Yellow signals happiness! Blue signals a boy! Pink signals a girl! Grey signals unsure territory that one should stay away from! Cultural lying has ensured that colour comes with the mediation of a third authoritative party, who seeks to control your minds. Even the shades of colour are put to use. The prison or the asylum use this colour to impose a feeling onto the deranged or criminal – a crackdown on crime with pastels (though this is once captured, before then only the strongest, most dominating colours are used).

People in homes in pursuit of the mood they long for, take heed.

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