
A Gift From A Friend

My friend shared this information with me recently:

"Was just thinking of this today.
I have a few things that I would not bear in a partner.
On my next serious date I will have a list:

Do you keep the TV on when you are at home all the time?
Do you watch daytime TV?
Do you keep the TV on as "company"?
Do you like cooking?
Does it really matter what you eat?
Do you try to add that "little touch" to food?
Are you obsessed with your parents?
What is the relation with your siblings?
What do complex family issues annoy you?
Do you live to make money?
How do you wake up?
What do you do if you are awake at night?
What is your ideal breakfast?
Do you find dried fish repulsive?
How do you behave in nature?
What do you think of spending time on your own in nature?
Do you enjoy chit chat conversations while hiking?
Describe how you would make your latte/capuccino?
What do small things in life do to you?
Do you keep everything in order and how do you act when things are not as you expect them?
What do you make of trivial things, tiny details/facts?

Well. I think this is enough Right?"


In The Middle

Finishing something is always depressing - unless it is cooking something well, or eating a good meal (anything food related will do).

To finish something one should feel happy and proud, and a sense of achievement. But yet it is always the opposite feeling. But I am not suggesting that one should leave things unfinished. On the contrary, to not finish things can be even more depressing.

I would like to lead my life as an interruption in the middle - never really beginning anything, and therefore not having to finish anything - a middle man, perhaps. I don't think this will ever be achieved though.

Shameful Behaviour

Someone recently told me that they feel ashamed of their past, even though they didn't do anything that they should feel particularly ashamed about.

I, too, feel this way. The result of this is that the thought of a by-chance meeting with someone from my past, or even seeing photographs of them, or hearing about them through others, makes me feel uncomfortable. I'm not sure what this is - perhaps it is a worry that they know something about me that is hidden but has always been with me. They probably don't, but the fear of it is enough.

My apologies if anyone out there reading this is from my past (though I would still prefer it if you stayed away from me).