
The Gadget Obsessive

It cannot be denied that there are occasions in life when a gadget of some sort is appealing, and can be useful (a memory stick, for example). However, I would say that generally I do not like gadgets. The gadget often creates the solution to a problem that did not exist before the gadget came into being, or else the gadget woos with its ‘state of the art’ looks and functions.

What is worse than the gadget itself is the gadget obsessive. These people lack such imagination that they must fill these voids with toys that give them a sense of fulfilment. This is, however, short-lived, and a new gadget is soon needed to fill that hunger-gap. The gadget is bought in the name of the ‘new’, but is actually the act of rejecting the new.

These obsessives also like to inform those around them of their new gadgets, giving demonstrations where possible – a tedious time for the person having to feign interest.

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