
The Pleasure of a Haircut

What a wonderful feeling to get great haircut. “I want this haircut to last forever.” “This really will look great with all of my clothes – even the scruffy ones.” “I’m going to be the envy of all with this look.” “This haircut really makes the features on my face look more attractive.” “My reflection in that shop window looks so good.”

A great haircut revives a person. It makes one want to go out and grab life – it must be done to show off the hair.

I am unsure how the hairdresser who performs the great cut feels about this. Do they realise that they have made such a difference to someone’s life (even if it is just until the hair grows a bit)? Whatever they feel is of no real concern, after all, it is my hair, therefore my triumph, and I want everyone to know about it.

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